Research Excellence in the Field of DATA INNOVATION

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About the Spinner Research Centre

The SPINNER RESEARCH CENTRE is an independent scientific research unit for global-local business innovation. SPINNER RESEARCH CENTRE develops scientific studies in the field of innovation management. SPINNER RESEARCH CENTRE acts in a predictive way (Multivariate Data Analysis) to support the growth of companies with a sustainable approach. SPINNER RESEARCH CENTRE applies data models and data mining techniques to develop innovative solutions for business. 

SPINNER RESEARCH CENTRE | Centre for Global-Local Business Innovation

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Spinner Model Data-Driven Innovation

The Spinner Innovation Model® is the breakthrough and innovative work of academic scientist Dr. Ronnie Figueiredo. Inspired by the dynamic concept of business, the model analyzes the three main dimensions that make up a business innovation. It provides a proven and extraordinarily useful diagnosis for understanding the propensity for innovation and allows you to structure an innovation-oriented and integrated flow to companies. It offers a model to create value by developing different types of innovation as new processes, new products, marketing strategies, and business models.

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Spinner Program Adaptive Business Development

The Spinner Innovation Program was created to support companies to be more competitive in the market. Using the Spinner Innovation Program, you have the opportunity to try to develop an innovation process for the companies. In step one, you analyze the propensity to innovate, measuring business capabilities for innovation. In step two you promote the business innovation and knowledge flow to structure the innovation process. Moving the step three you develop the digital skills and innovation to support the innovation process. And to conclude the program you apply the indicator analysis to measure the evolution of the innovation process and knowledge-intensive solutions provided to customer needs.

Predictive Innovation

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Intelligence

Deep Learning

Spinner Flow Innovative Structured Process

The Spinner Innovation Flow was created to support companies in the development of a structured innovation process. With Spinner Innovation Flow you have the opportunity to try to develop an innovation process for companies, from the interaction with the innovation ecosystem, applying practices, technologies, and maturity level indicators in the knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and knowledge-intensive solutions.

Spinner Practices Human Technology-Based Tools

Spinner Innovation Practices is considered a set of "Human Technology-Based Tools" that support the innovation process (Spinner Innovation Flow) in companies. Each tool supports one or more stages of knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and development of knowledge-intensive solutions (KIS).


Big Data

Internet of Things

Technological Models

Data Visualization

Data Guidance

Strategic Learning

Integration of Actors

Scientific Investigation

Diversified Enviroments

Recognized Team International Academic Scientists

The Spinner Research Centre recognized the international team from different universities, research centers, and business schools for their strong contribution to innovation around the world. It's an interdisciplinary team with complementary approaches to combine research to companies, including business families in different economic sectors.

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WE ARE SPINNER Research Excelence in the Field of Innovation

Data. Information. Knowledge. Innovation. Value

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